Non Posting Members - Please Read

How to make sure you do not become removed from our Forum membership.
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Non Posting Members - Please Read

Post by jmartini »

Non-Posting Members - Please understand that if you visit but have not posted in the forum (zero posts) within six months of membership - your name will be removed from our membership roster.

In addition anyone who registers as a member but after doing so never returns to the site (within 3 months) will be removed from the membership. There have been many people who join and have never returned to the site after they initial registration.

I am doing this in an effort to keep the forum members that are real VW enthusiasts in the active membership roster and it keeps the dtabase cleaner (in addition it frees up user IDs that may not otherwise be available).

For those Members that like to read topic threads but not post - you are always welcome, and you can always re-register if you are removed (you are not banned from the site), but of course to protect your self from being removed please post, even if it's just to introduce yourself and talk about your beetle. The majority of the board can be read without registering, but one of the advantages to being a member is the ability to see all the topic threads, share stories, help others or get help with mechanical problems, and converse with other members.

Please Note the Following: If anyone posts offensive URL's etc, they will be deleted from the forum and will not be able to join again in order to protect the other members. I will also ban anyone that tries to use the forum as a means to "advertize" some other product or service.

We have had a great number of spammers registering on the site lately and I have added extra security measures in order to protect the membership from being exposed to this. It takes a great deal of time to look through the registrations so please be patient if you register and there is a delay in being approved to use the site.

In addition please be aware that I look at every registration closely that comes through to my desk. If I see something that looks suspicious, for example the email address, or anything that calls into question your membership, your profile is not activated and the registration is deleted.

Also a word of thanks to the great majority of our members who really are enthusiasts and care about making this site a great place to visit - I appreciate your support!